How to style Vuetify Elements inside a component?
We can use the Style Tag to add css styling directly to a Vue component. This will go at the top of the file and will need to include the “scoped” tag.
We can learn more here –
<style scoped>
.v-btn {
color: red;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 10px;
The item we are styling will also need to include the “Scope” tag:
<v-btn prepend-icon="mdi-finance" variant="outlined" scoped>Get Started</v-btn>
We can also use the “::v-deep” selector to target child elements In Sass, we can also use the “>>>” or “/deep/” selectors for generic css styles.
<style scoped>
.a::v-deep .b {
/* ... */
/* Becomes When Rendered*/
<style scoped>
.a /deep/ .b {
/* ... */
How to style Vuetify Elements globaly?
We can use the Style Tag to add css styling directly to a Vue component. This will go at the top of the file and will need to include the “scoped” tag.
<style scoped>
.v-btn {
color: red;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 10px;
The item we are styling will also need to include the “Scope” tag:
<v-btn prepend-icon="mdi-finance" variant="outlined" scoped>Get Started</v-btn>